Tire size calculator

Current tire size

/ R

New tire size

/ R

225/35 R19 vs 225/40 R18 comparison results:

Old New Diff %
Overall Diameter 25.20" 25.09" -0.11" (-2.90 mm) -0.45% Smaller sign. Arrow down
Width 8.86" (225.00 mm) 8.86" (225.00 mm) 0.00" (0.00 mm) 0.00%
Sidewall Height 3.10" (78.75 mm) 3.54" (90.00 mm) +0.44" (+11.25 mm) +14.29% Bigger sign. Arrow up
Rim Diameter 19" 18" -1" -5.26% Smaller sign. Arrow down
Ground Clearance -0.06" (-1.45 mm) Smaller sign. Arrow down
Circumference 79.17" (201.09 cm) 78.81" (200.18 cm) -0.36" (-0.91 cm) -0.45% Smaller sign. Arrow down

Speedometer difference

Original Speed (mph) New Speed with New Tires (mph)

Other popular comparisons with this size

Welcome to our handy wheel and tire size calculator!

Put your current tire size(width, aspect ratio, and diameter) into the first form, then your desired size into the second form and you will get the difference between the new and tire size. Also, determine the speedometer reading difference and the actual speed with a new set of tires. You can use both metric and flotation sizes for your vehicle.

Our tire calculator could help decide whether tires and wheels will fit into your car. If you need to compare tires by brand and model use our tire comparison tool.